So it was a no brainer for me to throw some of my Stroller Warriors apparel into the suitcase. What was hard for me was picking my FAVORITES. After much deliberation about half of my SW gear went into the suitcase. Why? I LOVE my Stroller Warriors gear! It’s so comfy and reminds me of fun times, friendships and hard work. I took it as a comfort for me. A reminder that I can do anything I set my mind to. I fully admit I took my gear for ME, but I was about to find out that wearing SW gear can help others too.
The next afternoon my family and I were sitting on the patio of the hotel when the car now named “the Stroller Warrior car” pulled up! I was so excited but incredibly nervous. Should I say anything? Should I introduce myself? A couple got out of the car and walked towards the hotel entrance and us. My heart raced and my nervousness reached a new level. As they walked by the female’s eyes met mine and SHE SPOKE FIRST! She said, “Is that a Stroller Warriors shirt you’re wearing?” I looked down and YES! I was wearing my Stroller Warriors tank top! I said, “Yes it is!” And she said, “I thought so. I had to do a double take when we pulled up because you look so much like Stephanie Geraghty.” I laughed and we started chatting away. Her name was Angel. They were PCSing from Camp Lejeune. We had an instant connection because of Stroller Warriors. We decided to go for a run the next morning leaving from the hotel.
That one run turned into many more. My PCS prayers were answered and I was gifted with the best gift you can get when you’re getting settled into a new area; a running friend!
I bet you’re going to start looking on the ground more when you run now, right? Well, you should also be sure to pack your Stroller Warrior gear for vacations and PCSs. You never know when your new best friend might be looking for you.
Happy Running!
Do you have a funny, memorable, or inspirational story or event that has happened to you while in your Stroller Warrior gear? If so, I’d love to hear about it! Please comment here or email me at [email protected]