The running bug bit me while I was a young Stroller Warrior at our mother chapter, SW Camp Lejeune. There I participated in 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and even one marathon. As I look back on my running career I’ve realized something very important and interesting. Someone else believed in me first. Someone else saw potential in me and encouraged me to reach for something big. My husband is one of those people in my life, always supporting me and encouraging me along my way but there have been countless other Warriors who have done the same thing for me. They saw potential in me and encouraged me to start running, to do my first race or first half and what do you know, I could do it!
I totally understand these kinds of reactions because there was a point in my running career where I probably would have agreed. The truth however, is we all evolve and grow over time. The directions that we change and grow in are a direct result of the people we choose to associate with and how we choose to spend our time.
This scenario doesn’t just happen with me and it doesn’t just happen with crazy distances. The same thing happens for 5ks and 10ks, halfs and full marathons, triathlons and duathalons. It even works with trying to improve your pace or your cadence or whatever your running goal is. When your friends, your warriors, believe in you, you start to believe in yourself and once you believe you can, you CAN and you will.
So I challenge you to believe in yourself and believe in your fellow Warriors. Because when you believe you can, you’re right. It just takes one person to broaden your horizons and make something you previously considered impossible, possible.
Happy Running!