Tiffany did not start out with a love of running. Due to parental requirement—encouragement—Tiffany has participated in team sports since age seven. She mostly enjoyed softball and volleyball, and really shined in sprinting and hurdles. However, “anything longer than 400m seemed like a lifetime to me! I swear I learned the meaning of life the moment I learned the art of pacing and endurance.”

Tiffany’s favorite Stroller Warrior memory:
“I can't put my finger on just one because I've had so many, but an image that always comes to mind is when I was struggling to run during the NOLA summer heat and Andie (former SWNOLA coordinator) took my stroller so I could run easier. Since then, when I see a fellow warrior struggling to push their stroller rather than offer to stop for a walk break, I offer to take their stroller. Nothing is more empowering than pushing through difficulty.”
One piece of advice for a new military spouse:
“Be yourself. There is only one you. When we try to fit into a mold of who we think we should be, all authenticity is lost. People are drawn to folks who are their genuine, true selves because it encourages others to be themselves- which is liberating and refreshing! We all want to be liked and accepted, so why not be taken in by those who love you for YOU.”
Thank you, Tiffany, for sharing your story with us! You are one strong mother runner!