I feel like I should start off this blog with an apology. I’m sorry for getting this to you so late! Stroller Warriors Coordinators around the world keep track of how awesome their club is and send all of this data in to us at SWHQ. One of my jobs is to compile all of this data into a wonderful snapshot for you all to see just how INCREDIBLE our worldwide team is!
This year, my family PCSd to Okinawa, Japan and in the midst of the packers and chaos of an overseas move, the data for SW by the Numbers got put down and didn’t get picked back up until now.
Stroller Warriors Running Club by the numbers for 2018!
5 Chapters held a Gift of Garmin
9 Sessions of Bridge to 10K (B210K) with a total of 50 graduates
9 Gift of BOB
9 Chapters have Stroller Loaner Programs
11 Chapters participated in Wreaths Across America
13 Bags of trash picked up through plogging Events
14 Chapters participated in team Relays with their chapter including: Ragnar Relays, Round the Bay Relay, Wolfson Children’s Hospital Relay, Big Sur Marathon Relay, Iwakuni City Friendship Relay, Yokohmam North Dock Relay, Ekiden Relay, Trail Treads and Track Relay, Little Apple Marathon Relay, and the Viking Challenge Relay
25 Sessions of Couch to 5K (C25K) with a total of 202 graduates
25 Chapters gave back to their fellow Stroller Warriors
37 Race donations gifted
46 Active Chapters
81 Man hours laying wreaths at Wreaths Across America events
107 Meal trains provided
110 Coordinators (aka “Fearless Leaders”)
121 Warriors who went Couch 2 Crazy by completing a 5K, then a 10K, then a half marathon (13.1 miles) in one calendar year!
299 Volunteers
312 Cookies baked for the RAF Mildenhall Cookie Drive
357 Toys donated to Toys for Tots
362 Participants in our Mini Miles Program
375 Pairs of shoes donated (Soles 4 Souls, Jenkins Donelson Foundation and Valoha)
400 Items donated to the fire fighters charity
422 Wreaths were donated to Wreaths Across America
455 Participants in our mileage incentive program - Runopoly
1,132 Volunteer hours at various charity events
2,548.5 Miles ran by our Mini Warriors
10,182 Likes on our global page
10,418 Items donated to charitable organizations around the world
27, 289.35 Dollars raised for various charities
211,625 Miles ran as a team for Runopoly
Priceless: The positive impact of Stroller Warriors, not just on its members but on the surrounding community too!
I want to take a minute to highlight just a few of the things Stroller Warriors has done for our world. 375 pairs of shoes were donated through the Stroller Warriors! As runners, we know the importance of a good pair of shoes. The wrong pair of shoes will stop forward progress. You wouldn’t want to put one foot in front of the other if it resulted in pain and blisters. Having the right pair of shoes that are the right size can make a world of a difference in someone’s life! And we are so proud of our chapters for making a difference.
Dedication Runs/Workouts hosted by the Stroller Warriors:
A-T Children’s Project
Autism Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness
Charity Miles to USO
Dedication Run for Carter Staley
Dedication Run for those lost in the KC130 crash and FA18 Collision
Depression Awareness
Fisher House
Geraghty Gallop
Global Running Day
Green Beret Foundation
Meg’s Miles Dedication Run
Memorial Day Run
Miles for Mollie
Miles for Peyton
Month of the Military Child
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Run
Remember the Fallen
Run for Steph (Suicide Awareness)
Semper Fi Fund
TACP 24 Hour Memorial Run
The Murph Challenge
Toys for Tots
Wear Blue: Run to Remember
The Geraghty Gallop, a run honoring and celebrating our Fearless Founder, Stephanie Geraghty, was well attended by many who are so thankful for all our Fearless Founder has done for our amazing club! Thank you Geraghty family for all of your support over the years!
ASYMCA of Hawaii
Beach and Bay YMCA
Bishop Events
Blue Star Families
Coastal Carolina Designs
First Command Financial Services
Fitapnia and Josh Anderson
Fort Riley Spouses Club
Grounded Running
Hawaii Running Lab
Hodges Badges
Honolulu Marathon
Manhattan Running Company
Mike Ryan, Certified Athletic Trainer & Registered Physical Therapist
Oahu Spine & Rehab
Paradise Screening Printing
Pensacola Sports
Point 2 Running Company
Red 7 Tees
Road Runner Sports, Falls Church
Run with It
Samantha Lee Photography
Seaside School
Whitside Gym Staff
Women’s National Half and 8K
As you can see by this snapshot of numbers, Stroller Warriors Chapters around the world are making a positive difference in the lives of others. We are always excited to share these numbers because it helps to break it down for our members just how MUCH they impact the world!
The “priceless” list item at the end recognizes the positive impact and the immense reach of the unique combination of activities that Stroller Warriors offers. It includes the countless workouts, races, relays, book club gatherings, Exceptional Warrior dinners, Warrior Night Out events, play-dates, Prayer Warrior meetings, deployment support groups, Swap Shops, PCS mentoring, and general advice and recommendations about anything and everything. If you could see the amount of support and encouragement our members give and receive on a daily basis, your heart would be warmed just like ours is!