The "I'm in it to win it" philosophy is the farthest thing from where/what I am! So why in the world am I an avid racer?
I never started racing to place in the top three or even necessarily to go as fast as I could. For me racing was more about setting a goal and reaching it. To me racing shows that I AM capable of reaching my goals!
The life I lead right now, the life of a stay-at-home-mom, often has very little reward or recognition. I don't get awards or certificates or have a boss thanking me for turning in a huge project. A few years back my husband bought me classes to get Scuba Diving Certified for Valentines Day. Why? You ask? He thought I could benefit from formal recognition, a card in my hand, evidence of my hard work. He was right.
When my life consists of laundry that won’t stay clean and folded, dishes that won’t wash themselves (and won’t stay clean either –darn you!), kids that constantly need to be bathed and clothed and fed and burped (I could go on and on and on but I think you get the point). You can begin to see WHY I need racing.
I have a huge sense of accomplishment after every single race. Maybe it's just the endorphins going, but I always get a 'runners high' where I feel so happy and full and ready to tackle whatever chores or activities the rest of the day may bring. I started out racing to prove I could do it (all while having fun with my friends, my Stroller Warriors) and ended up becoming addicted.
I hope those of you who have never raced before will give it a try! Runners are the most welcoming/positive bunch of people I know, and races have that same positive/humming/warm charge. Give racing a try. I KNOW you'll love it!
Tell me, why do you race?