Stroller Warriors® Pensacola was founded by Mary H. Mary says she was inspired to found a Stroller Warriors chapter after researching our organization and falling in love with our mission.
Mary says, “We had just moved to Pensacola and on the spouses pages a lot of people were asking about Stroller Warriors and if there was one here. They all mentioned how they loved the chapter at their last duty station and wished there was one in the area. I had been a runner for along time and always took my daughter with me, however, I had never been apart of a SW chapter (I had heard of them though). "

“About 6 weeks after giving birth, I was so ready to get things going and launched. I actually put some feelers out into the community to see how many would be interested in SW and I was shocked to see the amount of people that were responsive.”

Mary also feels it is important for Coordinators to remember to lean on their members for help. She says, “Also, ask for help =) The chapter grew so quick and honestly after a point I by myself could not fully keep up so I had to add someone to help out before the year mark.”

If you’re interested in founding a chapter and bringing Stroller Warriors to your location, please follow these instructions. If you’re a Chapter Founder and would like your story featured please email me at [email protected]!
Thank You and Happy Running!