So, all you marathoners and ultra marathoners out there,... Let me remind you that you're about to voluntarily put yourself in the throes of a pseudo childbirth! Only this time your rewards will be the thrill of accomplishment and some shiny bling to hang on your wall. You'll also be filled with the knowledge that you can always do more than you ever thought possible!

Looking back, I am lucky that she had been through marathons herself and had an idea of what I might need. If she hadn’t known me well or if she hadn’t been helpful things could have turned out very differently.

Just make sure to have serious conversations about what you think you will need in the heat of the moment when you're tired, mentally drained, possibly in pain, and not your usual cheerful self. Will you want massages? Or will you not want to be touched? Will you want them to push you to go faster? Or do they need to let you set the pace? Would yelling at you help build you up? Or not? Do you need someone to be funny to distract you? Or would that just annoy you? These kinds of talks about what you will need or will not need could save you from a bad experience.
If you know what you're like when you're running a marathon think back and tell your husband/friend what you think you will need the day of your newest marathon. If this is your first marathon, think back to what you needed in childbirth and I bet you'll find your needs to be similar. If you've never given birth and you haven't run a marathon yet, push on and figure it out as you go :) You're about to be in the 1% of American's who complete a marathon -and that my friends, is an amazing accomplishment!
Happy Running!